Hello Friends and Family and whoever else looks at my blog! So just a recap on Burke and I's life...we started a Boot Camp! We get up at 4:00AM to be there at 5:00 and work out! Its been a trial to say the least...but a wonderful trial! I can't believe how much better we feel about ourselves and the changes we are making! Just to brag a little about myself...I did 24 REAL pushups and 100 squats each in 2 min ! Now, that might not seem like a big deal, but it was amazing for me! Wahoo! But anyways, I just LOVE Christmas time, I especially love it this year because I'm not working non-stop and actually have time to reflect on the holidays and enjoy it! This last weekend Burke and I went to my Allard Christmas party that was at Pacific City on the coast. I wish I had pictures to post, but even if I did I don't think I would know how to get them on here! Just take my word for it...B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! Gorgeous weather, gorgeous beach, I found a beautiful seashell while I was walking on the coast with my hubby. It was such a good little "mini-vacation." Speaking of vacations... we are heading up to good-ole Idaho at the end of this week and to say the least, we are SO excited! I can't wait to get together with my long-lost friends and family. However, there better be SNOW there! Big, fluffy, white snowflakes! (After we get to Idaho of course) but I want a white Christmas! I'm excited for the anticipation of wrapped presents under the tree, homemade goodies, fuzzy socks, Christmas PJs (HINT HINT BURKE I want Christmas Jammies HA!), I'm excited to watch my nieces and nephews open up their presents. I AM JUST EXCITED FOR EVERYTHING! However during all my excitement I have a hard time remembering the TRUE meaning of Christmas. My wonderful mother-in-law got us all a little book called "A Christ Centered Christmas" by Emily Freeman and I just adore it. Just to give a short summary the author started a tradition one year when her daughter said "Mom, I believe in Santa Claus, and you believe in Jesus Christ." The author realized that in past years the main focus was on Santa Claus and not on our Saviors birth. She started a new tradition in their home that I just think is an excellent Idea. They take seven days (or seven weeks) and talk about 7 of the nativity figures. Each one has a different value about them that we can take away from the story. Here is a short summary I'm taking from the book of each of them:
MARY- Reminds us that we need to find a moment to ponder the events of that sacred night in Bethlehem. In that moment we celebrate the miracle of Christ's birth, and the gift that Heaven gave.
Joseph- Represents the desires of our hearts. He reminds us of the secret acts of Christmas kindness given with sacrifice and love to the broken, the weary, the lost, or the lonely.
The Angel- Embodies a heart that runneth over with the good tidings and great joy of the season. The angel is a reminder that the anticipation of good things to come should fill our hearts with warmth and overflowing.
The Shepherd- Symbolizes a testimony within, an inner conviction that we have come to know Christ. The shepherd is a reminder for us to come closer to the Lord, now and with haste, and then to share our testimony with others.
The Wise Men- Exemplify the journey each of us takes as we seek the Lord. They remind us that as we draw closer to Him, and will be led to continue our journey another way.
The Lamb- Reminds us to prepare our hearts to recognize the hand of the Lord in our life, and then, in that instant, to give thanks.
and last but certainly not least...
The Christ Child-reminds us to offer a gift to the Lord this Christmas season: A gift based on the true work of Christmas, one that will allow us to focus on Christ all year long.
I hope everyone this year has a very merry Christmas and among the hustle and bustle of the presents, goodies, and Santa, that we can remember our Savior Jesus Christ and celebrate his birth and the gift he gave to the whole world. I love you all!
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