Friday, April 6, 2012

Weight Loss :)

So as I mentioned before Burke and I started a Boot Camp back in November, we have stuck with it and get up every week day morning at 4:15. We are CRAZY right?? But oh my goodness we have LOVED the results...let me brag a little... Burke has lost 30 lbs and is looking good! He wants to lose 10 more lbs. to get to 190. I have lost about 15 lbs and I want to loose about 5 more to get to 150. We were looking at some pictures after we had first moved here to Oregon, and we couldn't believe how different we look now. When we reach our goals I will post some before and after pictures.... I have yet to figure out how to do that yet, maybe I will play around with that later. But anyways! We feel so much more energized and motivated it's amazing how much better you feel when you shed those extra pounds and cut out all the crap from your diet, we haven't had pop in I don't even know how long. And I haven't had a cheese burger or fries either! The thought of eating a greasy hamburger seriously makes me want to gag now. BLAH. But anyways, we are doing good, I have been officially been going to school for 1 year now, I'm getting there slowly, but surely. Burke is still doing great at his job! So WAHOO for us! :)